What Is The New Temporary Skill Shortage Visa Or TSS Visa (SubClass 482)?

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Temporary Skill Shortage Visa

On March 2018, the Australian Government introduced a new work visa to replace the popular 457 visa – the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa or TSS Visa (Subclass 482).

What is the TSS Visa?.

The TSS Visa is a visa that permits the holder to live in Australia, while working full-time for a sponsoring employer, in a nominated position. Applicants for the TSS visa may include dependent family members in their application

What are the streams under the TSS Visa?

There are three streams under the TSS visa.

  • Short-Term Stream
  • Medium-Term Stream
  • Labour Agreement Stream

The Short-Term Stream

The Short-Term stream is catered for Australian businesses to fill short-term skill gaps with overseas workers, where a suitably skilled Australian worker cannot be sourced.

This stream will use the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), which will regularly be reviewed by the Department of Jobs and Small Business, through public consultations, labour market analysis and advice from government agencies.

The Short-Term stream includes the following criteria:

  • Renewal: Capacity for visa renewal onshore – once only (unless international trade obligations apply).
  • English language requirements: a minimum of an IELTS (or equivalent test) score of 5, with a minimum of 4.5 in each band.
  • Genuine entry: A genuine temporary entrant requirement applies

The Medium-Term Stream

The Medium-Term stream allows Australian businesses to source overseas workers to address shortages in a narrower range of occupations in a medium and long-term need, where a suitable skilled Australian worker cannot be sourced.

This stream will use the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), which will regularly be reviewed by the Department of Jobs and Small Business, through public consultations, labour market analysis and advice from government agencies.

The Medium-Term stream includes the following criteria:

  • Renewal: Capacity for visa renewal onshore and a permanent residency pathway after three years.
  • English language requirements: a minimum of an IELTS (or equivalent test) score of 5 in each band.

The Labour Agreement Stream

The Labour Agreement stream may be utilised in exceptional circumstances. These are circumstances where there is a demonstrated need that cannot be met in the Australian labour market and standard visa programs are not available.

These formal, but flexible agreements are negotiated between an employer and the Government to enable an employer to recruit an agreed number of overseas workers, where a suitable Australian worker cannot be sourced. These overseas workers are subjected to a specified age, skill level and English language and salary.

For more information on labour agreements, visit:


Eligibility- All streams

  • Work experience: at least two years’ work experience in the nominated occupation or a related field.
  • Labour market testing (LMT): LMT is mandatory unless an international obligation applies.
  • Minimum market salary rate: Employers must pay the Australian market salary rate and meet the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold requirements.
  • Minimum market salary rate: Employers must pay the Australian market salary rate and meet the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold requirements.o Police clearance certificates are required for every country in which the applicant has lived for 12 months or more since turning 16 years of age, within the last ten years.
If you have more specific questions or would like any more help with your applications, our team of experienced Consultants here at AECC Global are more than happy to give you a hand.

We, at AECC Global, provide end-to-end Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (TSS) service that aims to provide you with a hassle-free experience. Our team of Migration Agents can help check your eligibility and guide you through the process of applying for the visa. Speak to us and get all questions answered today!

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